Diesel Rebuild Kits

Friday, July 19, 2013

Manufacturer Spotlight | IPD Industrial Parts Depot | CAT . Cummins . Detroit Diesel . Waukesha

Hello everyone! This will be the 1st of 10 weekly posts, profiling the top manufacturers in the Heavy Duty Diesel engine parts industry. This week we will cover IPD | Industrial Parts Depot.

IPD | Industrial Parts Depot | Manufacturer Spotlight

"The Standard for Quality, Innovation, Service and Support Since 1955"

Since 1955 IPD has been synonymous with quality, innovation, service and support. IPD has been involved in many areas of equipment repair parts in the past including the manufacturing of many of these items. IPD's focus moving forward however is on product lines of engine parts for Caterpillar®, Cummins®, Detroit Diesel® and Waukesha ®Engines. IPD's background in manufacturing has allowed it to vertically integrate strategically with world renowned brands like Martin Wells. IPD has the capabilities of worldwide manufacturing to assure the high quality that our customers expect. Almost 50 years in this industry has allowed IPD to develop relationships with engine owners and rebuilders worldwide that gives us a unique opportunity to innovate products that can help our Distributors solve problems for engine owners and show a true lower cost per hour.



Warranty Coverage


 IPD Engine Coverage Matrix

3300 Series
3400 Series
3500 Series
3064 / 3066
C Series
D Series

Detroit Diesel®
Series 60


For more information about IPD parts and how to order, give us a call at 888-901-4795 or email us at parts@dieselrebuildkits.com

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